IEEE-695 Object File Format

This document documents the ieee695 format as used by LADSoft tools.

1.1.1. Introduction

This documentation gives the usage of the IEEE695 object files as used by the LADSoft tools. This is an ASCII rendition of IEEE695, but extends the functionality of the standard.

Note that most numbers used in the file format are HEX-ASCII. But some numbers, such as dates and the CO record identifiers, are decimal.

2.1.1. Brief guide to linker format

Each record in the relocatable object file starts with a two-letter command and ends with a period. Symbols with periods in them may be embedded in the text so the location of the ending period is context-sensitive. Control characters such as CR/LF can be used for readability and are generally assumed by the linker to occur after each period character at the end of a record.

Checksums are kept as running additions of the ascii value of the characters, excluding any control characters that may be embedded.

2.2.1 Variable types

IEEE695 defines the following types of variables. In each case the '#' indicates an index that is associated with the variable.

In addition IEEE695 defines a variable that can be used to index into a relocatable section:

The IEEE695 spec also defines:

This is the address at which the section is relocated to and is only valid if an absolute object file is output.

This is only valid in the LR (fixup) records. It is derived from the low limit of the section and the data previously encountered in the sections LD and LR records.

The ladsoft tools also define the following extra variable types:

2.2.2 Expressions

In some cases such as in fixups or LR Records, an expression is used to specify an address or offset. An expression is a comma-delimited sequence of constants, the operators '+','-'.'*','/', and internal variables. The elements of an expression are in postfix notation, that is the expression:


indicates a location that is 8 bytes beyond the beginning of section 23.

An expression such as:


can be used to generate pc-relative offsets.

2.2.3 Strings

when a string such as a name or comment text is placed into the output file, it is preceded by a two-digit hexadecimal number that gives the length of the string. This implicitly limits strings and variable names to 255 characters, but allows characters that would normally be record internal delimiters such as commas and periods to be embedded in the string.

For example to create a public variable with the name 'apple' one would do the following:


3.1.1 Linker record definitions

3.2.1 Module control

This section defines various control records used by the linker to qualify the file contents.

3.2.2 Module Begin record

The module begin record has the following format:


3.2.3 Module End Record

The module end record has the format:


Data after this record will be discarded by all object module processing programs.

3.2.4 Date and Time Record

The date and time record gives the time at which the object file was generated.

It has the format:


Where all values are in decimal.

3.2.5 Architecture Definition Record

The architecture definition record gives basic information about the processor architecture this file is targeted for. It has the format:


3.2.6 Checksum record.

The checksum record gives a sanity check to indicate the file has not been modified up to this point. Checksums can be placed anywhere; additionally a translator can choose not to generate them. The format of a checksum record is:


When a checksum record is encountered the two hex digits after it give the sum, modulo 128, of all non-control characters after the '.' of the last checksum record (or start of file) and up to and including the 'S' of the current checksum record. (Since it ignores control characters any formatting such as line feeds, carriage returns, or tabs are not counted)

3.2.7 Start Address Record

The start address record gives the start address of the program. The linker will not allow more than one input module to have a start address; however a start address is totally optional and its presence is only useful when some type of loader is present to load the program and execute it. It has the format:


The expression can be an absolute number for non-relocatable files, or a standard IEEE expression for relocatable files.

3.3.1 Sections

This section defines the records that deal with defining sections of data.

3.3.2 Section Type Record

The section definition record is the initial definition of a section. It gives attributes for the section, and its name. The linker may use the attributes and name, with possibly some other input, to combine and relocate sections when generating the output. It has the format:


Attributes are separated by a comma and are as follows:

Generally data will not be provided with the SB,LR,LD records and the runtime system will use the size of the section to initialize it. (e.g. C language uninitialized variables).

In addition there are attributes which consider ordering sections with the same name.

3.3.3 Section Alignment Record

The section alignment record gives the minimum alignment required by a section.
For example 68K processors require code to be aligned on two-byte boundaries, and often data as well. It has the format:


When the Section Type record is present without a Section Alignment record, the section alignment is assumed to be 1.

3.3.4 Assign Symbol record

The assign size record gives the size when used with a section. Even though the size is implied by the LD and LR records, this record is required to allow the linker to do relocations without having read in the LD/LR records. It has the format:


3.3.5 Assign Location record

The assign location record gives the absolute location a section should be loaded at. It would be used for example by a tool that converted the object file into one of the HEX file formats. It must be present for if the section has the 'A' attribute, but otherwise should not be present. It has the format:


3.4.1 Section data

This section defines the records that are used to populate sections with data.

3.4.2 Section Begin.

The section begin record indicates the start of data for a section. It has the following format:


Subsequent LD and LR records, along with debug comment records, will refer to this section. No load address is specified in any of the data records; the load address is implied by the final section location and preceding LD and LR records in this section.

3.4.3 Load Data record

The load data record loads pure data without modification. It is a hex-dump of arbitrary length, but it is recommended that the data portion of each record not be longer than 64 ascii characters for readability. It has the format:


When the AD record specifies maus=8 (byte architecture) the LD record loads bytes of data, with each byte described by two ASCII characters.

3.4.4 Load Relocation record

The load relocation record indicates the target address and source size for a relocation (fixup).
It has the format:


The expression can be any valid expression referencing symbols or section relative addresses, and generally calculates a relocated address. It could also be a constant, however, normally constants are going to be embedded directly in the LD statements.

The size gives the size in maus of the expression when it is resolved to an absolute format, e.g. the number of maus of space that this LR record reserves.

3.5.1 Variable declarations

This section defines the records used in declaring variables.

3.5.2 Name record

The name record associates an internal variable index with a name. This is the record that creates the variable index. It has the format:


(variable indexes will subsequently be used in LR records or sometimes in comment records)

3.5.3 Assign Symbol record

The assign symbol record assigns the location for a variable or procedure, for example by using a section-relative expression. It has the format:


3.5.3 Assign Type record

The assign type record assigns the type of a variable. It has the format:


additionally there is a command ATT which is used to construct new types.
This is further defined in the section on debug information.

3.6.1 COMMENT records

The IEEE695 standard defines comment style records with the intent of using them for some type of human-readable text that can be embedded in the object file for example to use by tools which read the object file.

However, the LADSoft tools reserve most comment records for extensions to the object file format. One example use is for link pass separators.

A comment record has the following format:


The following sections outline the comment records in use.

3.6.2 Comment records 1-99

A general comment inserted by the translator and discarded by other tools. For example: CO1,16this is a cool program.

3.6.3 Pass separators

There are three link pass separators in the LADSOFT format. The given text for each separator can either be left blank or arbitrarily chosen; tools rely on the index. Following are the defined pass separators:


The make pass separator. Make programs will quit processing after this. (optional)

CO101,09some text. 

The link pass separator. All declarations are done; two pass linkers can expect only loadable data beyond this point.

CO102,09some text.

The browse info separator. Linker does not need any info after this for relocation. (optional)

3.6.4 Windows DLL support

There are two types of comment records for Windows DLL support. These include the import and export symbols.

For an export symbol the record is as follows:


The names in this record are also strings which are further qualified with lengths.

For an import symbol the record is as follows:


The names in this record are also strings which are further qualified with lengths.

3.6.5 Source File Information Record

The Source file information record gives information about a source or include file. It can be used for example by a make program to auto-make a project, or by a debugger to reference line number information. It has the format:


3.6.6 Debug Information records

Comment records with index 400-405 are for debug information, and appear intermixed with the LD and LR records. More information is found in the debug information section.

3.6.7 Browse Information record

Comment record index 500 is browse information for an editor. More information is found in the browse information section.

3.6.8 Librarian object module record

Comment record index 600 is reserved by the librarian as a marker before each object module. More information is found in the librarian section.

4.1.1 Debug info

For debugging, a program is assumed to have program global variables, file global variables, functions, blocks within functions, and local variables within blocks. For global variables, some basic debug information can be extracted e.g. from the N$, ASI, ASN and the AT$# declarations given above.

In addition to declaring types and locations, the debug information has to give locations at which local variables are 'live'. This debug information is interspersed with the LD and LR records for a section define the layout of local data. It is handled with COMMENT-style records. Note that all type and debug information is not specified well by the IEEE695 spec and this information is heavily tools specific.

4.2.1 Derived Type record

The derived type record allows construction of new types such as structures and unions.
It has the format:

ATT#,T%,type expression.

Type information is in the file header with other information about variables. It is further specified for each constructor below:

The argument list is a comma-delimited list of A#, which gives the parameters

the # gives the references to an NA and ATA records for the variable.

When an argument list is present, it will be interpreted according to implied rules about alignment of arguments. These rules are architecture-dependent, but for a 32-bit architecture the data will be a multiple of four bytes. in the case of integers it will be implicitly cast to (DWORD) and aligned as such according to the little/big endianness of the processor as assigned in the AD record.

The list of base types has comma-delimited elements as follows:


where: * # is the base type * name is the name of the field * offset is the offset from the beginning of the data for the field.

The last element of a structure reference may be a reference to a 'field' record to continue the list of elements in which case it doesn't need a name and offset.

multiple array records can be cascaded together to make a multi-dimensional array. In this case the first record will be the left-hand index in the declaration (assuming C-style declarations)

4.2.2 Base types

A variety of base types are pre-defined for debugger interoperabilty; other types are built by combining the type constructors with these base types and with other translator-assigned types.

The type indexes for the base types are as follows: * 32: void * 33: pointer to void * 34: boolean * 35: bit

  * 40: char * 41: short * 42: int * 43: long * 44: long long

  * 48: unsigned char * 49: unsigned short * 50: unsigned int * 51: unsigned long * 52: unsigned long long

  * 56: pointer to char * 57: pointer to short * 58: pointer to int * 59: pointer to long * 60: pointer to long long

  * 64: pointer to unsigned char * 65: pointer to unsigned short * 66: pointer to unsigned int * 67: pointer to unsigned long * 68: pointer to unsigned long long

  * 72: float * 73: double * 74: long double

  * 80: float (imaginary) * 81: double (imaginary) * 82: long double (imaginary)

  * 88: float (complex) * 89: double (complex) * 90: long double (complex)

  * 96: pointer to float * 97: pointer to double * 98: pointer to long double

  * 104: pointer to float (imaginary) * 105: pointer to double (imaginary) * 106: pointer to long double (imaginary)



4.3.1 Local variables and other debug information

The records in this section are used to determine scope of local variables, and line number information

4.3.2 Declare variable in scope

These records declare the beginning of scope for a local variable. They have the following formats:


When N# variables are present they must have function scope, not file scope. (e.g. a local static variable defined in a function)

4.3.3 Declare source file line number

This record specifies the relationship between a line of code in the source file, and executable code in the object file.


4.3.4 Block declarations

The block declarations serve to locate the end of scope for variables declared in a block.


block is beginning here.


block is ending here.

variables defined after a CO402 go out of scope when the program counter hits the matching CO403. Blocks can be nested. Hitting a CO402 is equivalent to putting a block on a stack, hitting a 403 pops the most recent CO402 and all variables defined since then.

4.3.5 Function declarations

The function declarations serve to locate the start and end of scope for function parameters.

For a function start:


For a function end.


The I and N variables specified must be declared with a type derived with the function constructor type.

5.1.1 Browse info

Browse info gives a cross-reference of symbols to file/line number pairs. It is independent of code generation. It can be generated by the translator, or tacked on after the fact. A separate browse file translator takes the information for the files in a program and generates a browse file database.

The browse information is given as comment record type 500. It has the following format:

C0500,subtype,qualifiers,file index,linenumber,name.

6.1.1 librarian support

The librarian uses a binary format, however, the actual data in the file is a streamed version of the object modules which make up the library.

It is beyond the scope of this document to discuss the library format in detail.